New Demos

14 June 2012

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Thats right… some new demos… or should we say, new demos of alternate versions of songs we haven’t made proper demos of yet. We have conveniently posted them on the SOUNDS page.

14 June 2012
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05/04/2011 Eraserhead

3 May 2012

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Tomorrow night, we take to the shadows of the stage with our friend Ben Londa (Exit) to perform a semi improvised score to David Lynch’s Eraserhead. We have had a blast at rehearsals and think that our sound additions certainly add a new dimension to the experience that is Eraserhead. The movie will begin at 9:15, the mindless voice announced…
Eraserhead. Poster by Drew of Revoindustries.
Update: Demos of our sound palettes can be found on soundcloud…

mm444 | ritchual

3 May 2012
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04/20/2011 Headhunter’s ATX

9 April 2012

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In less than two weeks, we will be hitting the stage at Headhunter’s for our third show. We play at 10 PM, followed by our friends, Black Undercurrent, at 11PM. The Riot City Hell Katz will also be around; dancing the night away.


the nimbus 420 flier

9 April 2012
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Houston, We Have Lift Off

31 March 2012

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It’s time to take a trip to outer space
A time and place where we can never be replaced

Welcome to the new cyberhome of The Nimbus. While we work on new content, recordings and merch, jump over to the sounds page and listen to some demos. We will have new additions and announcements shortly.

31 March 2012
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